What publishers need to know now about creating a better ad experience

When you work in digital advertising, it’s easy to forget what it’s like to be an average internet user. But when you take a step back and experience the web as most people do, you begin to understand why so many people employ ad blockers. Ad blocking is bad news for everyone in digital advertising, […]

Key Digital Marketing Strategies for Startups

Marketing has changed at a rapid pace. The marketing techniques employed over the last 50 years have changed from what we have today. Here are 7 tips every start up persons should know about digital marketing strategies. 1. Email Marketing Despite predictions of its death in the marketing world, emails are still around and delivering […]

How content writing helps to keep your site visitors engaged

For you to make good sales from your website, you will need to be able to engage your site visitors. This is where the real work is because people will do visit, but only those who have a reason to come again are transformed from visitors to buyers. Writing great content, loaded with information, purpose […]

Top five mobile app for managing your business on the go

As a 21st century business manager, you have a herculean task to keep your business in the right perspective. This is especially true for people who run a B2B firm – who must organize their business in order to meet with today’s fast moving world. Thank God for the invention of mobile phones. Now, people can […]

10 key ingredient in writing an impactful web content

Writing great web content is not magic. All you need is to follow the right instructions and your audience will be begging for more. Your web content should discuss only what your website is all about. Use a storyteller approach because people like to be entertained. Write in your own style and voice, so that the audience feel that […]

Here are the top five technologies that will transform content marketing

Creating quality content requires that you change your style and strategies, regularly and continuously. This is necessary in order for you to keep up with the changing trends, be in line with the competition and keep the audiences’ interest. In the coming year, companies have introduced technologies that are designed to change the way content […]

How to promote your business using exceptional press release tactics

Press release is one of the best ways to get the word out there about your business, products and services. However, with the continuous shrinking of newsroom staff and attentive reporters, it is becoming more and more difficult to get press release noticed. If your press release is not working, it means that your tactics […]